Common New Parent Questions

If you have a question in mind, chances are you will find the answer here! The Leadership Team will continue to update this section to ensure the community has the most up-to-date information related to the upcoming school year.


Academic Calendar

When does the school day begin and end?
The day begins at 8:40am and ends at 2:30pm for kindergarten and 3pm for 1st and 2nd graders and 3:15pm for 3-5th graders. On Wednesdays there is school wide early release at 1:10pm.

What and when are professional development days?

What is my child doing on Fridays? What is independent work?


Programming and Education

Does New School offer any language programs?
For our English Language Learners, our teaching teams provide dedicated English Language Development [ELD] instruction in the students daily literacy block, which includes whole group, small group and individual work. Additionally for all students, Spanish is taught beginning in Kindergarten. Spanish occurs every other day (2-3 times per week) for 40 minutes.

Is there an after school program?
Yes, we offer an in-house after school program called Exploremos. It is club-based program that runs from dismissal until 6pm. This is a paid program and with our commitment to equity we have a sliding scale model to ensure accessibility.

What services do you provide children with IEPs?
As a public school, we provide all needed services in a child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). We partner with Seneca Family Agencies and other trusted providers to deliver services.


Logistics & Growth

When will you be a K-12 school?
We expect to grow by one grade level every year. We will be at full build-out in 2026 when we serve K through 12th Grade.

If SFUSD places us far away from the current location will transportation be offered?
For the 2020-2021 school year we will be located at the Sarah B Cooper campus in North Beach. New School will be providing subsidized busing accessible to all families.

Does my child need to wear a uniform?
No, uniforms are not required.


Family Engagement

What kind of family involvement are you looking for?
Our approach to family involvement is very much grounded in our school values, as well as making a commitment to meet families where they are at. Whether it is a grandparent coming to read to a classroom, chaperoning a field trip, making copies, chairing a committee or making a financial contribution, the emphasis will always be that we have a 100% of our families involved as we build our school and our community.

Are there opportunities for parents to volunteer?
There are many ways you can get involved in our school community. You can participate in our Home & School Council (HSC) meetings, join committees, be part of an affinity group or attend our coffee chats. There are also many ways that you can volunteer school wide and in the classroom.